Castle Blaney

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Every student has a dream to get a degree from a reputed university. And when they achieved it after doing a lot of hard work, it turns into the best moment of life. You want to congratulate your children for their achievement. And they deserve because they spend four years in college and put a lot of efforts to make their future better. 

You may have saved money, especially for this moment. And you do not want to put yourself into any hassle. But who knows what is going to happen tomorrow. And a few days before the graduation day, you met with some surprising expenses. It may be unpredictable bills, old debts or many others. 

Though, it is a tough situation for you. You do not want to ruin this beautiful moment just because of money. Don’t let it because you have many borrowing options that can help you. But the effective way is a LOAN. And situation demands for instant money, you can opt for quick loans in Ireland

In this small loan, you will receive the funds within a few hours. You might want to know more about this and where you can utilise borrowed funds. 

Let’s learn more about quick loans…

Quick money loans

Many online lenders in Ireland like One More Loans assist with small amount to the borrowers. In this, you do not have to deal with hefty paperwork and can get the approval within an hour. There are many more benefits that we have discussed further. You will receive this aid only if you approach direct lenders instead of the traditional ones. 

What will happen if you are one with poor credit history?

A credit score plays an important role to decide whether the borrower deserves approval or not. But many such situations occur where people fail to repay the money. And this leads their credit score to worst. And for lending companies, providing money to less reliable people is equivalent to risk. This happens because of rigid protocols. 


It only happens in the case of traditional lenders, not for direct ones. Online lenders are ready to provide you instant funds without any credit check. OR they can perform a soft credit check. If you are an individual with a poor credit score, then you might have to pay some extra interest rate as compared to a good one. 

Where you can utilise those funds?

In this 24 hours loan, the lender provides you the freedom to use the borrowed money according to the convenience. You can use:

  • Put money on stocks

You may plan for giving some physical stuff such as a smartphone OR smartwatch. But do you think this is going to help him for a long period?

You have to do something that can help him to learn something. And nowadays, investment in stocks may be the best choice for you. You can invest the borrowed money on buying some company’s stocks. Though, it is a very small investment because you are not going to receive a large amount. But it will help your children to gather information about how the stock market works. 

Who knows that your child can become a next Warren Buffet? 

  • Purchase a second-hand bike

If you think investing money is a risk, then you can buy at least a second-hand bike. It is a good choice because your child has to travel to various places for the interview. It would be better if he/she can reach on time without depending on public transport. 

If you have saved money, then you can add this borrowing money to it and purchase a new one. And instant loan in 1 hour can provide enough funds. 

  • Planning for a small trip

It is a kind of reward that can help your child to get rejuvenated. A small break can prepare him for facing coming life situations. They will learn how to live an independent life. It does not require any large amount. You can easily manage a small trip with the borrowing funds. 

Quick loans online can provide instant help. And the best is that you can receive the assistance at your doorstep. You do not have to visit any lending agency. So, what resist you go and grab something special for your child with this borrowed money. 

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